Daniel Chavez Moran has dedicated his life to Latin America in efforts of overcoming the economic challenges the region has been experiencing. Chavez Moran also laid the foundations for the creation of Grupo Mayan, a major player in the country's hotels and tourism industry. The group has a fine selection of properties for tourism in the country.
To be sure, the group and Moran have had their share of trials. Fairly recently, for instance, someone brought a case against them. They alleged that the company was persuading people to buy land shares that were not valid.
The plaintiff argued too that the company had forced the purchases through hard-sell methods. Certain questions regarding the credibility of the group's documents were brought up. The plaintiffs alleged that their rights were being trodden on.
Moran and his company were victorious at showing the court how baseless the claims were, however. The lack of proof for the plaintiffs led the judge to boot the case out of court. The decision was that the prosecution was not justified in claiming foul play.
If there was anything clear about Daniel Chavez Moran and the company, though, it was that the body of evidence in their favor was stronger than the decidedly weak body of evidence against them, which led to the dismissal of the suit. In such cases, the Plaintiff had a hard time coming up with significant proof against the other party. This became the ticket for Grupo Mayan's victory.
The most widely-held expectation was that of a settlement in the wings. The lawyer for the Plaintiff needs to get back the money he had invested in the case. Court proceedings do not come cheap, as the legal fees can amount to hefty expenses.
Unfortunately, for the Plaintiff, they were up against a huge and well-established company. The defending side could easily afford the legal fees. This is not something many normal persons can say of themselves.
Moran had plenty of factors on his side when the legal battle occurred, which is how he successfully surfaced from the court proceedings. The victory was achieved in such conditions. The man lead the group through a tough time and has gained international admiration for it.
He has now moved on to his next calling, according to him: charity. The hard-working man finally retired in 2005 after court battles were finally settled. At the moment, Moran is working with his own charitable group to help better Mexico's future.
It is clear from Daniel Chavez Moran facts that this is a man dedicated to helping his fellows. The man's philanthropic organization is even now working to improve the quality of life of people in Latin America. One of the first steps in their work is to ensure that education is more readily accessible than it is at the moment.
Go to my friend's blog for more facts about Daniel Chavez Moran and how did his company managed to win over the lawsuit.